Thursday, July 10, 2008

Taking Time

Wow--almost 2 months have gone by since I last wrote. I'm amazed at how often I think of things that I want to write or pictures I want to post--but it just doesn't get done.

Why? Simply because I just don't take the time. We all have 24 hours in a day, but how we use our time differs. Now I have been busy (I just returned from Honduras on a medical missions trip--I'll give an update soon--this is a picture of a suspended bridge that we crossed), but we make time for what we want to make time for.
Being in Honduras was actually quite relaxing. We worked during the days, but my mind and every minute was not filled with "all of the things" "I need to do." You know those thoughts. It really made me think about what I have on my plate and should it all be there.
Now, I don't know if my plate will change, but I do want to make a commitment to do the things I feel impressed to do and to call people when their names come to mind (or e-mailing, texting, etc.) instead of waiting for that "perfect" moment. As we know--perfectionism is often the causing factor for procrastination. We often wait for the "perfect" time--which we also know--never comes. I think I have missed many blessings in addition to blessing others because of this.

Scripture often refers to "today." "This is the day. . . " "Today is the day. . ." "Don't worry about tomorrow. . ." So my challenge is to not delay those things that will cause more grief if put off another day and to avoid putting off contacts that may end up having eternal consequences and rewards.

Now, I have many things I "need" to be doing--but I have a friend on my mind, and instead of waiting for the perfect moment . . .I'm off to call her. . . I hope you do the same.


  1. Hey Kathy...
    been a way out of town for almost a month. Just returned from San Antonio where I had a load of things to sort out IN ME with the Lord etc...
    I understand and appreciate the words of this post. How I can relate.
    I have neglected my friendships, actually quite a bit of stuff. I have been cleaning my house like a mad woman! I guess I am sooo ready for change?
    Anyways would love to know the rest of the story about Honduras...I miss living overseas. One day I will go back to day...
    Love you girl.

    sonja howell

  2. i hope that friend is me...'cuz you've been on my mind a lot lately :)

    love you!

  3. Thanks for calling me, Cathy! I'm sorry I haven't called you back yet! :) I've been in Oregon the last 9 days. Are you on Facebook? I have my photos on there, and it will make you want to go to Oregon--as I remember you want to go someday! Love you! Karen
