Saturday, November 27, 2010

Much to be Thankful for!

There is something about the holidays--that makes me want to eat turkey!  Every year (for my entire life) I think we have eaten the same thing on Thanksgiving--at least as long as I can remember.  Because I was working this Thanksgiving, I was going to be staying in town with Brett's family.  They were having a non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner (more about that later), but I still wanted some good ol' stuffing and turkey!

So--I decided to make my own!  Now--I've never cooked a turkey before or stuffed one.  And I've never made sweet potato crunch either.  I've never had to do these things--because my mother always did them so well ;)  I purchased what I thought was turkey "breasts."  Much to my surprise--it was an entire turkey sans the legs!!  But I think I did a pretty good job of cooking it (even though the injection I bought fell to the floor right before I was about to use it--shattering the glass and sending buttery garlic sauce across the kitchen floor!  I was very Thankful that Lydia was not present!

So--on Wednesday night we had our Thanksgiving meal.  And I have to turned out pretty good, especially for my first turkey :)

Sunday, Pastor Mike spoke about thankfulness (fitting for this week) and about complaining.  There were many other points, but what I walked away with was how important it was to be thankful--and to simply have joy!  So often, it's easy to complain and whine and feel "stressed" out, but in truth, I have much to be joyful about!
I was walking through Wal-Mart when I spotted this mug.  I thought it was perfect!  I am going to have coffee or hot chocolate in it daily--as a pleasant reminder--to be joyful--in season and out of season!

For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross...
(Hebrews 12:2)

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